Monday, August 25, 2014

Strange Dream

I had the strangest dream. I was an underwater diver and we were doing a documentary or class on life in the sea. Although this was the underwater world, in my dream I understood that the fish represented a church congregation. My dive instructor was showing me where all the groups of fish were. The squid hang out in one area, the Tuna fish in another area and the other fish in this area, then there was one area where it was free of judgment and that was where anyone could hang out no matter what kind of fish you were. Just then a large shark had noticed me and started to stalk me. We got out of the water but the shark followed me to the dock where I stood making eye contact with the shark. The shark went wild trying to get to me, ramming it's head on the dock we stood on. We ran to the grass and the shark followed. Finally the shark decided that he was going to eat me regardless of where I was. His intention was to jump out of the water onto land and swallow me, but this is where I blacked out. My dive instructor pulled out a device and said the good thing about being lost in the ocean is that there's new technology so he was able to see every bone in the water and they would immediately know where I was since my bones would be the only human ones showing on their X-ray like screen. Then I remember coming up to shore for air, the atmosphere was different. I was in Africa and I was next to a Hippo. That's when I woke up.

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