Saturday, August 23, 2014

Precious Testimonies

I love knowing that I can look back and have all these testimonies to keep me positive and keep me motivated. I still can't believe I lived in fear for so long. Now that I have overcome my fears, nothing can stop me! No mountain is high enough for me! I am a warrior and I live my life like one. I put 110% into EVERYTHING I do including my marriage, mothering my child and my relationships with people. I want to live a life like King David and not be afraid of anything! Lately, I have been more vocal on Facebook and other social media about my relationship with my husband. I hope that people can understand it's OK to love your spouse and be happy and it's OK to appreciate them even if they're not in a position to be appreciated at the moment or even if it seems like you're bragging. So what if people think you're bragging, as long as you're being honest and sincere, it doesn't matter what anyone thinks because we are not living to please other people, we are living to please only God. God has been so good to me and I want to keep moving towards him so that's why I'm choosing to spread as much love towards others as possible. When I was 9 years old the Lord put a dream in my heart telling me that one day I would feed homeless people and starving children. I remembered this dream my whole life wondering when this would come true. Only recently did I finally decide to volunteer at I may not be the hand that holds the spoon going into that child's mouth but it's my hands that are packaging that food for these children and Y ES ONE DAY I WILL be that hand holding the spoon that goes into that child's mouth. IT WILL HAPPEN. I want to see the faces of these beautiful children and watch them laugh and play. I want these children to know, see and feel what it is like to have someone that genuinely loves you and wants you to have a wonderful life. I want to speak faith and favor directly to these children and let them know they are going to be something GREAT! One day it is going to happen! Lord help me make this happen please.

My heavenly father has shown me so many things, I realize now that I have to listen and pay attention to these messages from him or else I might miss opportunities and blessings that were meant for me. I watched Oprah one day. It was Memorial Day and they were talking about veterans that were suicidal. My heart broke for these veterans who were homeless and suicidal, I could not believe that this was their reality. I wept as I watched this episode and I wondered what can I do to help? I wanted to volunteer at a suicide help organization but my head started to fill with all these excuses and reasons why it would not work out for me. I look back and think... wow why did I let those negative thoughts take over me? I am so good at talking to people, especially with people who have this problem because I too used to be someone who thought about suicide. I never did act upon it, but yes thoughts did fill my head about this before. I am such a strong person now that I would never allow this kind of darkness back into my life and I want to teach people how to be this way too, but why... why did I not take that first step back then? Now years have gone by... But no... I am never too old or too late. As long as I am still breathing someone can and will benefit from me!

There was one year that I was really struggling. I was stupid and told my daughter, "We're poor now so don't expect nice things anymore OK? If there's anything you want, we'll go to Savers or Goodwill to buy it." I look back at this mistake and think how dumb was I to speak negatively to my daughter like this? What kind of impact did this have on my daughter? Did she think we'd have to go without food some days? This was a big regret of mine. I should not have said these things to her. I should not have been such a negative influence on her. I honestly make no excuses for this poor behavior of mine, I take this as a lesson learned. I WILL NEVER speak negatively like this to my child AGAIN! I thought that since my parents hid so much from me and my siblings when I was a kid, I thought I was doing the "right" thing to tell my daughter the "truth" about our finances and our life because that's what I would have wanted my parents to do for me when I was a kid. BOY WAS I WRONG! What a big lesson this was for me. That year we could not afford school supplies for my daughter, I cried about being a bad parent and not being able to afford simple things like this for my child. I asked God to help me. The next day a stranger brought a backpack full of school supplies for my daughter and put that on our front porch. I could not believe my eyes! I was so thankful. Yes this was the hand of God! This was only one of many prayers that the Lord answered for me. I asked God to help me get out of this mess. Help me financially by providing me not just a job, but I wanted a very specific job. Even though I wasn't qualified and did not have the required education for this job, the Lord made sure that I got in. That day of my interview, I interviewed with the owner of the company who jumped through hoops and bypassed the requirements to make sure I got hired. It wasn't until 3 years later that I actually acknowledged that the Lord had answered this prayer for me. Once I realized this, I worked even harder at my job, I started to open up to people and started helping them more and sharing information with them about the job so they could learn and grow in their position. Then an opportunity at work came along, but not to me, to another department. It looked so good and I wanted it sooooooo bad so I prayed about it. And once again the Lord bumped me up to first place and made it happen for me again. He put me first in line when I should not have been. Living in the favor of God is so good!!!  

God didn't stop there, he keeps guiding me and directing me to new things, opening my eyes so I can see his favor and I can receive his blessings. I am so thankful. Today he is telling me to live my dreams, keep creating things and being passionate about the gifts he's blessed me with. He floods my mind with ideas so much that sometimes I can't even keep track of them. He's showing me little "sneak peaks" of my beautiful future through amazing dreams that I have been having. All glory be to theGod on high, Who hath our race befriended! To us no harm shall now come night, The strife at last is ended.

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