Thursday, August 21, 2014

Overcoming anxiety and depression without help

It's funny how back in my dark days when I lived in fear and worry I used to have bad dreams, I used to think of unimaginable horror and death. That's why I call it my dark days. I suffered from anxiety and depression living every day hopeless and afraid. I look back now and think wow... I was afraid of NOTHING. And that fear held me back so strongly. I wanted to change so bad but I didn't know how. I finally got fed up with living in fear and started to change the way I was thinking. I started to tell myself that everything I feared was actually something I LOVED. I changed the word fear to the word love and started telling myself that I LOVED everything I feared. This was my sword to fight off any negative thoughts and it worked for me. I was so happy with the results that I started challenging myself even more every day. I started to talk to people more. At work I would say good morning or hello to people I didn't know walking by. I would make conversation in the elevator with strangers, I would laugh and talk to strangers like as if I had no fear at all. This is how I learned to "fix" myself and to overcome anxiety and depression. Through the years I got better and better, I started to laugh again, I gained confidence and I wasn't hiding it! I worked like I had the best job in the world and I was constantly putting in 110% even when other people were complaining. I loved my husband so much and always was honest and respectful with him even when he was rude and unforgiving. I lived my life like a Queen, doing what I wanted to do. I learned to tune some things in and some things out. I only listened to people that were being honest with me, people that were expecting me to figure out the true meaning behind their stories and lies, I tuned out and only made myself understand the words they spoke instead of the hidden message they tried to shamefully pass to me. Since the day I decided to fight my fears on my own life has been good. SOOOOO GOOD!!!  Everything at work was going better than ever! I remembered one day that I had prayed for this specific job. I prayed that the Lord would help me obtain this specific career even though I did not have the education or experience. I interviewed with the owner of the company and she jumped through hoops just to get me hired. This is how I know it was the hand of God helping me obtain exactly what I asked for. I saw an opportunity come to another department at work and I asked God again to help this opportunity come my way. The Lord did it again and not only gave me this new opportunity, he put me first in line when I shouldn't of been. Once again I was living in the favor of God. How can I just ignore this? Every dream and wish I've asked for has come true, and all this is because I had faith, I believed and I WANTED these dreams to come true. They weren't just imaginary things I thought of in my head, they were a sneak peak at what lies ahead for me. I don't have bad dreams anymore, only good dreams now and every dream I've had recently seems to be a sneak peak of my future. The other day I dreamed that my husband, daughter and I were driving up to a luxury cabin we frequently rented, the staff there were delighted to serve us and knew us by name. I have never seen a place like this in real life, but in my dream, it was a familiar place. I believe this is a sneak peak at what lies ahead for me and my family. I never ignore thoughts or dreams anymore, I love receiving these messages from the Lord, they push me to work harder and keep moving forward in life to help others, dream big and fulfill my destiny! I can't wait to see what else is next for me!

#dreambig @livinglarge #overcomingdepression #beatanxiety #depression #anxiety #youcandoit #ilovegod #havefaith #lifewithoutfear #nolimits

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